Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Senior Year

So, I don't think anyone reads my blog, especially when I don't write for um..... almost a year. *shakes head* Where have I gone wrong? Well, things have definitely changed in the past year.

1- Sean and I broke up. The night before Thanksgiving..... ya. We were fighting constantly and I couldn't stand it anymore.

2- I spent most of my school year working on the musical "Anne of Green Gables". I am so happy about it. We all came together in that show and pulled it off. =) I ended up getting sick from like February to April. I have no clue what I had but I think it was a case of "stress". haha. I wouldn't have changed anything about the process though. It was such a great and growing experience. I learned that I needed to grow that backbone that Mrs. Shaw told me to grow (hehe) and stand strong even when I was weak. My favorite memory from the show was every night I would come out for my entrance through a quarter house. Well, the lights would be off, I would walk on the platform, hold onto the door knob, pray to God that He would be my strength and as the lights would go up I would say Amen. I swear, I felt calm and I had this overwhelming sensation that everything was going to be ok because God was there for me. =)

3- I started dating Mike. =) I've been dating him for 5 months now and I think we've only argued about like 2 little things. It's wonderful. He's a really great guy. In October, I was on my way to choir and I got a text message from my friend Nate that said "I love you."..... So, thinking "well, that's Nate for ya" I wrote back "I love you too Nate". He wrote me back saying that Mike stole his phone and wrote to me. Somehow I got Mike's phone number and I wrote "I love you" to him. He wrote back to me "You're fat". Well..... it went on from there. haha. But I was directing "Once Upon A Parable" later in October and I was having some grief with a kid who wasn't listening to me at all. I started texting Mike saying that I was upset and I couldn't find strength to go through rehearsals because this kid was taking all my energy out. He texted me back and wrote "Do you want to pray about it?" I was completely shocked. I kinda looked at my phone and said to myself "wait, Mike wants to pray with me?!" So of course I said yes. Well, we became prayer partners and prayed while Sean and I broke up and I was struggling near Christmas time. Around New Years I told him that we should make a New Years Resolution to become pretty good friends. Well, on Super Bowl Sunday we were texting each other and he was being funny and I told him "Jeez Mike, you're so funny, I really like you." or something like that. He wrote back "I like you more." Well, there you go. We started hanging out in groups then one night (March 1st) he pulled out his phone and played one of my favorite songs and asked me out. =)

4- I'm a senior!! And I've never been happier. And I've never been more afraid. I know where I want to go. I really want to go to Grove City College and I want to double major in Elementary Education and Early Childhood. But, it's a college that I don't get half off for being a PK (preacher's kid).... so I need to do some searching for scholarships. I'm struggling with the fact that my friends are going to Geneva and I'll be on the opposite side of Pittsburgh. Though God has been watching over me because Katie is going to GCC and so is my friend from drama camp Nathan. I just think that RTCS kinda has been my rock, it got me past a very scary time in my life, but am I ready to let it go?

5- I've been worried about death lately. I have no idea why. But I've just been thinking about it. I'm afraid that God is not going to accept me. Which is odd because I know I believe in Him and He is my Savior. I also know that He will judge me based on Christ's merits because Christ died for us. I've been struggling since I was 9 or 10 with this feeling like something was trying to confuse me about God. But there is no doubt in my heart that I believe in God. I haven't been able to sleep through a night for probably about 2-3 weeks. Actually right now it's 4:34am mountain time (where I am) and I've been awake since 2:30am mountain time. It's so hard because I wake up and I'm afraid but I know there is absolutely no reason to be afraid. I'm out in the west (Yellowstone) on vacation and I'm seeing God's work and it's absolutely beautiful. I don't know. If anyone reads my blog, please pray for me and for clarity. I'm looking forward to school and working on another show. I feel so close to God when I'm at school and with my friends.

6- I think I'm done. I'm getting tired again, thankfully. I promise to keep up to date. Or try my best.


1 comment:

HP said...

Aw, Lyss... thanks for the little insight into your life... although I must correct you on something, GCC and Geneva are not on opposite sides of Pittsburgh, they are actually only about 30 minutes apart. Just wanted to let you know. :)