Saturday, September 1, 2007

The first weekend

My first weekend being a Jr.... well, it's been quite the interesting one. Last night, I hung out with Chris over at the mall and got an outfit for Paul Wilson. I bought him a vertical stripped shirt with a hat that was really cute (and reversable). It was a grand time. So, I went and talked to R last night. I did pretty well, well.... till I was saying goodbye. Then I cried my little heart out. That girl really did a lot for me. I told her about my grad speech and how I already wrote it but when I'm talking about my classmates I am talking about her also. She and the Fab 5 have really brought me to Christ and it's been a great journey. So, I let her know that I really appreciate her and she walked me down to my car and we cried again and then left. I know that we are going to keep in touch all the time but it's so hard to say goodbye. I came home just to read about a paragraph in "Beowulf" and fall straight asleep. When I woke up this morning, Sean had asked me to go to brunch with last night so I woke up and got ready. We had a wonderful time, we went to a small cafe near his house and came back home and watched a movie and I took him to work. Now, I am sitting at my computer procrastinating on my homework with a horrible headache. I'm going to try to sit down and work, but I will write later.

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